Thursday 3 June 2010

Letters... Well, really an email!

Email to a long lost somebody...

How is this winter morning in die ou Transvaal? It's crazy but I have no idea what which regions are what in South Africa anymore.. I certainly don't know the words of Nkosi and yet, since I have never felt more African than since I came here. I felt pretty displaced and lost when I lived in Africa. Completely unaligned with anything really. I hate rugby, castle and crayfish so can you imagine? Hehe...

Regarding parents... You know I have been angry with mine for most of forever. Always harking on about what I perceived to be the 'wrongs' of my childhood. Intellectually, I could write ten books on letting go and looking forwards. About how we are responsible for our choices which I believe includes the one where we chose our parents. As i get older I am learning the importance of aligning my heart with my head. It was only when my beautiful children made their way into my life that I realised why my mother made some of the decisions that she did. Ill informed they may have been but I guess at the time, she felt that what she was doing was the best that she could. Though I remember someone saying to me once - I think it may even have been you - that if once one completes a task, one looks at it thinking, "That's good enough!", it never is!

I have had a book in my head/heart for years now... So I have started a blog. I find it terrifying to write my thoughts down, but the more I write, the more I want to write. It is called, "Everybody picks their nose - a blog about 'truth'." I have often seen people laugh at others they may catch at a robot picking their nose but the 'truth' is that we all do it. We all have the same basic hopes, dreams, loves, fears and concerns. Yet, we tend to be scared to tall about some of them for fear of ridicule. Crazy hey?

One of my passions is music... and South African music in particular. I am astounded at how it has never properly left South Africa's shores except maybe once or twice as an aside to a western artists musical whim. I started a group on facebook called, "Not only Soccer, but fantastic sounds...". I really believe that having the World Cup in South Africa is a tremendously powerful opportunity for our music to be heard. I put links to other things like Jennifer Ferguson and her husband have a place in South Africa where they conduct 'singing safaris'. Funny, hey? I am so inextricably linked to our beloved country and yet I live in another world...

Ok, my blessings are calling for some breakfast... I am going to make them porridge. Gosh, who would have said in 1994 (when we met) that I would be living in a beautiful old house with three gorgeous gifts making pap...

Have an excellent day!

